"Icarus Dawns" by Erik James Troy
The book " Icarus Dawns" by Erik James Troy is a magical journey of science fiction gendre. It tells us the adventure to travel time to time in a period of earth. A team of scientists return to start to discover what happened to their home world. Elizabeth Lawrence is the main character in this science fiction book is someone who trials the technological research with her best team. Elizabeth Lawrence, is the leader engineer. Her task is to recover lost technologies and decoding the earth lings can lead to many wonders, and also many horors. As the leader of the team, she has a purpose to discover what happened to our earth and in the journey of the time she is finding love. Elizabeth Lawrence is the perfect woman. She has a class and ellegants permitted. She was under illusion. The nice illusion. The Crymson joy and true love is the main attractive in this book. She is the prettiest creature of God. Evey man want to fall in love with her. She choose the choosen man th...